Lemon Essential Oil - Lemon Oil | Oleum Botanica
Lemon Essential Oil - Lemon Oil | Oleum Botanica
Lemon Essential Oil - Lemon Oil | Oleum Botanica

Lemon Oil


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Lemon essential oil is extracted from the ripe peel of the fruit from the Lemon Tree. The 3-7m high tree flowers and fruits all year round with white-petalled fragrant flowers.

The Lemon fruit is well-known as a great source of vitamin C and has long been called upon in times of illness when honey and lemon tea can offer soothing relief. Lemon fruit was even used by the British Navy to counteract the risk of scurvy on the long sea voyages in the late eighteenth century.

Believed to have originated from India, lemons were introduced to the Middle East from around 100AD by Arab traders. They did not reach Europe until the eleventh or twelfth century, via the Crusades. Arriving in the New World with Spanish and Portuguese explorers from the late fifteenth century.

Lemon essential oil has a wide array of uses, with a bright, fresh citrus aroma and top note. Lemon essential oil is aromatically versatile, blending well with most oils and adding ‘lift’ to blends.

Collection Method/Method of Extraction: Expression of the ripe peel.

Odour: Characteristic odour and taste of outer part of fresh lemon peel.

Appearance: A pale to deep yellow or greenish-yellow liquid.

Plant Part: Ripe peel of the fruit of Citrus limon (L.) Burmani F

Country of origin: Argentina, Canada, USA.

Botanical Name: Citrus Limon (L.) Burmani (F.)

Lemon essential oil can offer a refreshing and cleansing effect on the body, mind and the environment around us. Cutting through difficult energy and emotions with it’s sharp citrus aroma.


Immune System 

The oil is well known for and thought to be a great support of the Immune system. It may help encourage the immune system to function normally, whilst at the same time could offer strong antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Frequently used during convalescence to not only freshen the atmosphere but may also offer a boost to the body's defences.


Lymphatic System 

Thought to help combat sluggishness and stagnation in all of the bodily systems, Lemon is the prime essential oil to be considered for use with the lymphatic system as it may assist with lymphatic decongestion, cellulite and toxin build-up. 

Lemon in the fruit form and essential oil form has long been thought to help with the body's natural detoxification process, due to its depurative properties. 


Nervous System 

Sunshine may spring to mind upon inhaling the zesty aroma of Lemon essential oil. Triggering powerful memories of happy times. Perhaps this is why the oil could prove beneficial when working with the nervous system. The aroma is sharp and clearing, which when inhaled could assist with the management of difficult emotions. 



Call upon Lemon essential oil for looking after your skin as it may have a positive effect on the appearance of congested, dull or oily skin. It might also relieve mild skin conditions and infections, regarded as offering antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic actions. 

Lemon essential oil can be used in a wide array of applications. 


For support with the Nervous System

When diffused in the air it may help support the nervous system and help keep you alert and to focus with the refreshing and uplifting aroma. 


Diffuser Method

Add between 3-8 drops (depending on room size) of Lemon essential oil to the surface of the water in your diffuser. Or onto the pad in fan-driven vaporisers. Replenish as needed. May be combined in a blend with other essential oils up to the maximum amount of drops. Blends well with most other essential oils.


Adding it to an aromatherapy rollerball blend could help lift energy levels and promote a positive mood.


Aromatherapy Rollerball 

In a 15ml empty rollerball bottle, combine Lemon essential oil with 10ml of suitable carrier oil. Between 2-5 drops depending on the site of application.

Maximum of 2 drops if wanting to apply to the face, such as on the temples.

For bodily application up to 5 drops is appropriate.

Blends well with most other essential oils.



For support with the Immune system and home use

It acts as a great addition to your homemade natural essential oil cleaning spray cutting through grease and dirt, whilst its clean and bright aroma makes for an effective natural home air freshener alternative.


Aromatherapy multi-surface spray

Lemon essential oil is a great addition to a natural surface spray.

For household use

  • Your chosen essential oils
  • An empty dark glass spray bottle to hold 100 ml blend and a little extra for the essential oils. 
  • 100 ml distilled or spring water
  • Less than 1tsp grain alcohol (this is to preserve and dilute the mixture)


  1. Add the alcohol into the glass bottle
  2. Then add the essential oils and shake to mix.
  3. Put the lid back on and allow this mixture to sit for at least 1 hour 
  4. Finally, add the water and shake well.
  5. Always shake again before each use.
  6. Please test surfaces before use to avoid any damage.


For support with the skin

Balance Skin Moisturiser

Using Lemon essential oil in your handmade moisturiser is a great way to apply the oil and may support the health of your skin. 

The dilution ratio will be 2-3% (12-15 drops in 25ml/gm of carrier or base moisturiser) for adults bodily application.

For elderly people, those with sensitive skin, or those with medical conditions a 1% dilution (5 drops) is needed.


For support with the Lymphatic System

Flow Body Oil

The lymphatic system may benefit from applying a body oil blend including Lemon essential oil. This is best applied after body brushing and could encourage a healthy lymphatic system.

Blend Lemon essential oil with any other oils of your choice Into 25ml of carrier oil. 

The dilution ratio will be 2-3% (12-15 drops) in 25ml of carrier oil for adults bodily application.

For elderly people, those with sensitive skin, or those with medical conditions a 1% dilution (5 drops) is needed.

Short shelf-life use fresh. Irritation or sensitisation is possible, particularly with oxidised oils.

Phototoxic do not use in concentrations of more than 2% (10 drops in 25ml) if applied to the skin within 12 hours of subsequent exposure to sunlight or sunbeds). If blending with other phototoxic oils adhere to the total dilution of the essential oil with the lowest concentration allowable for phototoxic oils.

Please consult your healthcare professional before using essential oils if you are taking medication or have pre-existing medical conditions or during pregnancy.

Essential oils are not for internal use. Do not ingest. 

Essential oils should always be diluted to the appropriate dilution ratio before use on the skin. 

Avoid contact with sensitive areas such as the eyes.

Keep out of the reach of children and away from animals.

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