Essential Oils Safety

This guide was written in response to the misinformation on essential oils that is currently flooding the internet. Using essential oils incorrectly leads to unwanted side effects and is completely avoidable when armed with the correct information. We believe this misinformation goes completely against the idea of using essential oils to support health and wellbeing. We are passionate about setting the record straight once and for all.

Just because something is natural, it doesn’t mean it is automatically safe to use in any way we choose. Essential oils are powerful, concentrated natural substances (which makes them so valuable in aromatherapy, if used correctly). The particular chemistry of individual oils, creates a set of unique safety considerations when the oil is used in aromatherapy. 

At Oleum Botanica our goal is to enable you to get the most out of your new essential oils. To enjoy and benefit from using them. Most importantly to ensure that you have all the information needed to safely use essential oils in aromatherapy. Using essential oils safely means using them effectively.

This guide is written by a certified aromatherapist to ensure accuracy. By following our guidance, you can enjoy all of the benefits with none of the unwanted side effects.

Internal Use

The most worrying trend being advocated is the internal use of essential oils. Our stance is quite simply, do not use essential oils internally. Essential oils do not need to be used internally to be effective and in fact, this practice causes much more harm than good. Internal use is not for the general public to experiment with. The only times it could even be considered is under the careful guidance of a professional aromatherapist (trained in this particular practice). There are lots of factors to take into account and only a professional can advise on ways to do this safely. Many even argue it is not appropriate to take essential oils internally at all.

There are a lot of marketing terms used to advocate this practice. The reason some marketers coin certain phrases is because, using essential oils internally means selling more oils. Internal use will use a bottle up much faster than other methods of administration. You may have come across terms such as food-grade or therapeutic grade coined to describe essential oils. Ignore this jargon. These are cleverly employed marketing terms with no actual validity. A pure, unadulterated essential oil is simply that and there is no difference between one labelled as a higher grade than one labelled as 100% pure essential oil. The only difference is in the price tag that accompanies these unwarranted claims. There is no “grade” that makes this essential oil any safer for internal use.

Neat Use

The general public should not be applying essential oils neat onto their skin without the guidance of a certified aromatherapist. There are some limited circumstances in which an aromatherapist may advise their client on the limited neat use of a specific oil. However, without this guidance neat use can cause skin irritation, injury and sensitisation reactions. Not something we want our customers to experience!


Essential oils should always be appropriately diluted in a suitable carrier (also known as a base product) before use. The amount of essential oil to the amount of carrier is referred to as the dilution ratio. This changes depending on various factors, such as the particular essential oil being used. Also the person using the oil and their particular risk factors. 

Please refer to our product pages and other literature before using a new essential oil, to ensure correct dilution prior to use. As always, consult with an aromatherapist if in doubt or if there is a complex medical history that indicates caution.

Diluting essential oils in a carrier reduces the risk of irritation and sensitisation (allergic) reactions. Do not apply to broken or irritated skin. If skin sensitivity occurs, discontinue use. Make sure your essential oils are correctly diluted if applying topically, using the topical use blending chart below. All essential oils should be diluted correctly in a safe dilution ratio in an appropriate carrier that is suitable for you. 

Blending Table 

Number of essential oils to carrier 















































These figures assume that 20 drops of essential oil = 1ml

General Dilution Ratio Groups

2.5% dilution - Adult body application with no other factors indicating caution.

1% dilution - To be used for children 2-12 years old, elderly clients, in pregnancy, when trying to conceive, post-natal & if breast feeding. Those with sensitive skin, for facial application, or where fragility, or unknown medical history indicate caution (with safe oils only) Have a medical condition, or taking medications 

The above are general dilution guidelines, however each essential oil carries its own set of  safety considerations, please always check if the essential oil to be used is also suitable for the person who will be using the oil. Where any oil has dilution restrictions, the lower of the two guides must be used. Always choosing the lowest dilution from the chart above and the oils specific dilution advice as the table above is not oil specific.


Essential oils can be used at any age, however the very young or elderly may need to follow specific guidelines. Such as the particular oils appropriate for this age group or the dilution ratio. If in doubt always consult an aromatherapist for tailored guidance on your particular situation.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

The pregnancy and post-natal period is a time to take extra precautions when it comes to using essential oils. To ensure the safety of mother and baby, we recommend consulting an specially trained aromatherapist before using essential oils at this time. There are certain oils to use and others to avoid. This will all depend on your unique medical history.

Health Conditions And Contraindications

It is vitally important to take extra precautions when it comes to using essential oils if you have a health condition or are taking medications. This is to ensure safety and to avoid any contraindications with particular medications. We recommend always consulting your doctor and aromatherapist before using essential oils at this time. There are certain oils to use and others to avoid. This will all depend on your unique medical history.

If you'd like to speak to us about essential oils safety, please feel free to contact us.