Clove Essential Oil - Clove Bud Oil | Oleum Botanica
Clove Essential Oil - Clove Bud Oil | Oleum Botanica
Clove Essential Oil - Clove Bud Oil | Oleum Botanica

Clove Bud Oil


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Clove is an evergreen tree which originated in Asia and has been cultivated for at least 2000 years. Preparations of Clove have been used for thousands of years to treat skin infections and infestations, digestive disorders, toothache and oral infections.

The tree can reach 12 m in height, has paired green leaves, and pink flower buds, which are dried to produce the spice.

The main centres of cultivation are Zanzibar, Madagascar and Indonesia.

Clove bud essential oils are also produced from the leaves and stems, but these have different and more aggressive chemistry and should not be used for aromatherapy.

Clove bud essential oil is an aromatic top and middle note, with a strong, sweet, spicy, woody and fruity aroma. It blends well with other strong, sweet oils - spices and florals and also medicinal oils.

Collection Method/ Method of Extraction: Water distillation

Odour: Having the characteristic clove odour.

Appearance: A colourless or pale-yellow liquid.

Plant Part: The dried flower buds.

Country of origin: Indonesia

Botanical Name: Eugenia Caryophyllus (aka Eugenia caryophyllata Thunb. or Syzgium Aromaticum)

Nervous System

Clove bud essential oil may assist in the pain-relief from conditions of the nervous system and neuralgia (especially sciatica). It is reported to have and used for analgesic and anti-neuralgic actions.

It could be of benefit to poor concentration and memory, lack of interest and vitality, exhaustion, fatigue, lethargy and supportive in mild depression. Thought to be a nervous system tonic, stimulant and a nervine.


Respiratory System

May be beneficial for support with respiratory infections and weakness. Also thought to be prophylactic when one degree under, so could prove useful if used at the onset of infections.


Digestive System

May be beneficial for support with digestive infections and weakness. Clove Bud essential oil could assist with a healthy and normally functioning digestive system and has historically been used for this purpose. It is reported to be a prime digestive support oil and therefore might help with a wide array of digestive disturbances.

Musculoskeletal System

May be helpful to use with muscular aches, pains and stiffness. It could also be useful where there are weak or over toned muscles.

The following ways to use Clove Bud essential oil can help you to get the most benefit from it.


For use with the Nervous System

Aromatherapy Relief Roller

Roll onto painful areas of the body which may help with pain-relief purposes.

In a 15ml empty rollerball bottle, combine Clove bud essential oil with 10ml of suitable carrier oil. Maximum 2 drops.


For use with the Respiratory system

Aromatherapy Steam Inhalation Use

Steam inhalations can be a great support for our respiratory system, and when dealing with mild respiratory infections.

Fill a Pyrex bowl 1/4 full with water just off the boil. Drop between 4-8 drops of Clove Bud essential oil onto the surface of the water. Remove any contact lenses and spectacles. Lean over the bowl as comfortable and cover your head with a towel. Keeping eyes closed. Inhale for 5-10 minutes or as feels comfortable for you. Can be repeated as need up to 8 times a day.

Another, perhaps more convenient method of administration is using a purpose-made inhaler cup, easily found online or in your local pharmacy. Lower the dose to up to 2 drops with this method.

Be careful not to burn yourself with the hot water and keep away from children and in a safe location. Any irritation then stop immediately. Discard solution after use. Not suitable for asthmatics or with children.


Aromatherapy Inhaler

Aromatherapy inhalers are perfect for personal use and very convenient to use on the go. Use whenever a boost of energy is required, by gently breathing in from the nasal inhaler.

In an empty nasal inhaler (available online) add between 2-4 drops of Clove bud essential oil onto the pad within the inhaler.


For use with the digestive system

Stomach massage blend

Clove bud essential oil is a prime oil to include in a stomach massage blend. Not only might the oil be beneficial to the digestive system, but the action of a gentle stomach massage can also have a positive effect on the digestive system.

Blend Clove Bud essential oil and any other digestive oils of your choice Into 25ml of carrier oil.

The dilution ratio will be a maximum of 1% (5 drops in 25ml) of carrier oil for adults bodily application.


For use with the musculoskeletal system

Body massage oil blend

Clove bud essential oil can be a great addition as part of a massage oil blend.

The dilution ratio will be a maximum of 1% (5 drops in 25ml) of carrier oil for adults bodily application.

For use in aromatherapy Clove Bud essential oil is non-toxic externally, toxic internally.

Do not use in concentrations of more than 1%, (5 drops in 25ml) sensitisation possible.

Caution in dermal use with hypersensitive, diseased or damaged skin, and children under 2 and in pregnancy.

Please consult your healthcare professional before using essential oils if you are taking medication or have pre-existing medical conditions or during pregnancy.

Essential oils are not for internal use. Do not ingest. 

Essential oils should always be diluted to the appropriate dilution ratio before use on the skin.

Avoid contact with sensitive areas such as the eyes.

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