Enteric Peppermint Oil - Peppermint Oil | Oleum Botanica
Enteric Peppermint Oil - Peppermint Oil | Oleum Botanica
Enteric Peppermint Oil - Peppermint Oil | Oleum Botanica

Peppermint Oil


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Peppermint plant Mentha piperita is a perennial herb that is a cultivated hybrid of M. aquatica and M. spicata which are other varieties of the mint family.

Mint is naturalised in Europe and North America and is also cultivated throughout the world; more recently the essential oil comes mainly from the USA, although it is also produced in Europe, Russia and Morocco. Production of peppermint mainly occurs for the flavouring and toothpaste industries. 

Peppermint essential oil has been used as a medicinal and culinary herb for thousands of years, particularly as an infusion for digestive disorders.

Peppermint essential oil is a top aromatic note of a strong, fresh, mint aroma with a melting sweet undertone. It blends well with citrus oils, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon and rosemary, and with strongly sweet florals and spices.

Collection Method/ Method of Extraction: Steam distillation and redistillation.

Odour: With the odour and taste of peppermint.

Appearance: A colourless to yellow liquid.

Plant Part: The fresh flowering plant.

Country of originIndia

Botanical Name: Mentha piperita L 

Digestive System

Peppermint essential oil may assist with a healthy and normally functioning digestive system and has historically been used for this purpose. It is reported to be a prime digestive support oil and therefore may assist with a wide array of digestive disturbances when applied topically. 


Nervous System

The essential oil has a stimulating and invigorating aroma which may have a stimulant action on the nervous system. This effect could assist with poor memory and concentration, mild dizziness and faintness, mental fatigue and is often used as a support when dealing with jet lag. Peppermint essential oil is also regularly used to help clear the mind and mental fogginess, whilst also it may increase energy.


Musculoskeletal System

Aching feet, muscles and joints, muscle fatigue and pain. Peppermint essential oil may assist with the relief of these musculoskeletal ailments and has long been used for such a purpose. 



Disliked by many insects including spiders, fleas, mice and many others. The oil may help to repel insects and other pests. Peppermint oil might also assist with cases of sunburn and is reported to have pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory properties to help with such use.

The following ways to use the essential oil should help you to get the most benefit from the oil. 


For use with the Digestive System

Cooling tummy massage blend

Cooling peppermint essential oil is a prime oil to include in a stomach massage blend. It may assist with various digestive disturbances, especially those requiring an antispasmodic action, which Peppermint essential oil is thought to offer. Not only might the oil be a digestive tonic, but the action of a gentle stomach massage can also have a positive effect on the digestive system.

Blend Peppermint essential oil and any other digestive oils of your choice Into 25ml of carrier oil. 

The dilution ratio will be 2-3% (12-15 drops) in 25ml of carrier oil for adults bodily application.

For elderly people, those with sensitive skin, or those with medical conditions a 1% dilution (5 drops) is needed.


For use with the Nervous system

Aromatherapy Inhaler

Aromatherapy inhalers are perfect for personal use and very convenient when on the go. Use whenever a boost of energy is required, by gently breathing in from the nasal inhaler. 

In an empty nasal inhaler (available online) add between 2-4 drops of Peppermint essential oil onto the pad within the inhaler. 


For use with the Musculoskeletal system

Massage Oil

Peppermint essential can be beneficial when used as part of a body massage oil blend. 

Blend with any other oils of your choice Into 25ml of carrier oil. 

The dilution ratio will be 2-3% (12-15 drops) in 25ml of carrier oil for adults bodily application.

For elderly people, those with sensitive skin, or those with medical conditions a 1% dilution (5 drops) is needed.


For use with the Skin

Protect Spray

To use simply spray on the skin of the body and also suitable as a room spray.

You will need;

  • Your chosen essential oils including Peppermint essential oil.
  • An empty dark glass spray bottle to hold 50 ml blend and a little extra for the essential oils. 
  • 50 ml distilled or spring water
  • Less than 1tsp grain alcohol (this is to preserve and dilute the mixture)


  • 4-5 drops of essential oils per 50ml of water. 


  1. Add the alcohol into the glass bottle
  2. Then add the essential oils and shake to mix.
  3. Put the lid back on and allow this mixture to sit for at least 1 hour 
  4. Finally, add the water and shake well.
  5. Always shake again before each use.


  • Best stored in glass, not plastic. A dark glass bottle to preserve and keep out of direct sunlight. Always test an inconspicuous area of the pillow to check usage is suitable on this material. 

Non-toxic externally, non-sensitising. 

Do not use it in cases of cardiac fibrillation, as it may not be compatible with some medication. 

Do not use concentrations of more than 3% (15 drops in 25ml) as it may irritate mucous membranes. 

Avoid use with babies and infants.

Some homoeopaths believe it may antidote some homoeopathic remedies.

Please consult your healthcare professional before using essential oils if you are taking medication or have pre-existing medical conditions or during pregnancy.

Essential oils are not for internal use. Do not ingest. 

Essential oils should always be diluted to the appropriate dilution ratio before use on the skin. 

Avoid contact with sensitive areas such as the eyes.

Keep out of the reach of children and away from animals.

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