Sweet Orange Essential Oil - Sweet Orange Oil | Oleum Botanica
Sweet Orange Essential Oil - Sweet Orange Oil | Oleum Botanica
Sweet Orange Essential Oil - Sweet Orange Oil | Oleum Botanica

Sweet Orange Oil


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Sweet Orange comes from an evergreen tree which reaches 8m high and has ovate leaves and fragrant star-shaped white flowers. It is native to the Far East and in the Fifteenth-Century it was brought to Europe by the Portuguese. By the early sixteenth century, it was exported to the West Indies and the Americas by Spanish and Portuguese explorers. Most commercial production is now from Brazil, Cypress and The USA.

Traditionally Sweet Orange essential oil was obtained by hand expression, by rasping ripe peel. Most modern production is machine expression. It is in theory possible to obtain a petitgrain from the leaves and twigs as with the other citrus oils.

Sweet Orange essential oil is a top note, with a citrus, sweet, soft smooth and sweet aroma. It blends well with most oils, in particular, spice oils, other citrus oils, florals and woody oils.

Collection Method/ Method of Extraction: Expression

Odour: Having the characteristic odour of the outer part of fresh, sweet orange peel.

Appearance: An intensely yellow, orange or deep orange liquid.

Plant Part: The peel of the fruit.

Country of origin: Brazil, USA, Canada, Mexico

Botanical Name: Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck

Digestive System

Sweet Orange essential oil may assist with a healthy and normally functioning digestive system and has historically been used for this purpose. It is reported to be calming and soothing to the digestive system, especially where stress has a negative impact on digestion.


Nervous System

This essential oil is reported to be calming and soothing to the digestive system, especially where stress is having a negative impact on digestion. It may assist with so-called ‘liver’ emotions, such as irritability and frustration. It is also often used as part of aromatherapy blends to assist with sleep. 


Lymphatic System 

May prove a useful oil to use when managing conditions of the lymphatic system such as lymphatic congestion, cellulite and Oedema.


Circulatory System 

May be beneficial to help support a healthy and normally functioning circulatory system, especially where it is being negatively affected by stress-related issues.

The following ways to use the essential oil should help you to get the most benefit from the oil.

For use with the Digestive System

Calming Digestive Oil

Orange essential oil is a prime oil to use for a relaxing stomach massage. Not only might the oil be a digestive stimulant, the action of a gentle stomach massage, but can also really benefit those upon whom stress has an impact on their digestive system.

Blend Sweet Orange essential oil and any other digestive oils of your choice Into 25ml of carrier oil. 

The dilution ratio will be 2-3% (12-15 drops) in 25ml of carrier oil for adults bodily application.

For elderly people, those with sensitive skin, or those with medical conditions a 1% dilution (5 drops) is needed.


For use with the Nervous System

Sleep Tight Pillow Mist

This is a prime oil to combine with Lavender essential oil in this sleep tight pillow mist.

You will need;

  • Your chosen essential oils including Sweet Orange essential oil.
  • An empty dark glass spray bottle to hold 50 ml blend and a little extra for the essential oils. 
  • 50 ml distilled or spring water
  • Less than 1tsp grain alcohol (this is to preserve and dilute the mixture)


  • 4-5 drops of essential oils per 50ml of water. 


  1. Add the alcohol into the glass bottle
  2. Then add the essential oils and shake to mix.
  3. Put the lid back on and allow this mixture to sit for at least 1 hour 
  4. Finally, add the water and shake well.
  5. Always shake again before each use.


  • Best stored in glass, not plastic. A dark glass bottle to preserve and keep out of direct sunlight. Always test an inconspicuous area of the pillow to check usage is suitable on this material. 


For use with the Lymphatic System

Body Oil

The Lymphatic system may benefit from applying a body oil blend including Sweet Orange essential oil. This is best applied after body brushing and could encourage a healthy lymphatic system.

Blend Sweet Orange essential oil with any other oils of your choice Into 25ml of carrier oil. 

The dilution ratio will be 2-3% (12-15 drops) in 25ml of carrier oil for adults bodily application.

For elderly people, those with sensitive skin, or those with medical conditions a 1% dilution (5 drops) is needed.


For use with the Circulatory System

Massage Oil

Sweet Orange essential may assist the circulatory system when applied in a body massage oil. 

Blend Sweet Orange with any other oils of your choice Into 25ml of carrier oil. 

The dilution ratio will be 2-3% (12-15 drops) in 25ml of carrier oil for adults bodily application.

For elderly people, those with sensitive skin, or those with medical conditions a 1% dilution (5 drops) is needed.

Non-toxic. Non-irritant in dilution (used fresh - oxidised oil has potential as an irritant).  Non-sensitising. C. sinensis is not phototoxic. Short shelf-life use fresh. 

Please consult your healthcare professional before using essential oils if you are taking medication or have pre-existing medical conditions or during pregnancy.

Essential oils are not for internal use. Do not ingest. 

Essential oils should always be diluted to the appropriate dilution ratio before use on the skin. 

Avoid contact with sensitive areas such as the eyes.

Keep out of the reach of children and away from animals.

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