Cypress Essential Oil - Cypress Oil White | Oleum Botanica
Cypress Essential Oil - Cypress Oil White | Oleum Botanica
Cypress Essential Oil - Cypress Oil White | Oleum Botanica

Cypress Leaf Oil White - Australian


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Oleum Botanica’s White Cypress Leaf essential oil is steam distilled from the evergreen tree Callitris glaucophylla. The tree grows up to 20 metres high and is a member of the Cupressaceae botanical family. It is native to Australia and found exclusively there. Cypress Leaf Oil White essential oil is a relatively new essential oil on the aromatherapy market, and it has a lot to offer. 

The evidence indicates that White Cypress Leaf essential oil has been traditionally used for a variety of applications.

Aromatically White Cypress Leaf essential oil is classed as a middle note, with a camphoraceous, sweet, fresh aroma.

Collection Method/ Method of Extraction: Steam distilled (water)

Odour: Fresh, camphoraceous, sweet.

Appearance: A clear, colourless to pale yellow mobile liquid.

Plant Part: Leaves and twigs.

Country of origin: Australia.

Botanical Name: Callitris glaucophylla

Nervous System

The essential oil has an uplifting and refreshing aroma. Thought of as a tonic to the nervous system and may assist with emotionally grounding and proving calming and an aid to meditation. 


Respiratory System

Might assist as a respiratory support. 


Immune System 

May assist as an immune system tonic.

The following ways to use the essential oil should help you to get the most benefit from the oil. 


For use with the Respiratory System, Nervous System and Immune system

Diffusing this essential oil is one of the most appropriate ways to use it. 


Diffuser Method

Diffusing White Cypress Leaf essential oil into your environment can be particularly beneficial when there is sickness in the home. 

It is also a great way to work with the nervous, respiratory and immune systems.

Add between 3-8 drops (depending on room size) of White Cypress Leaf essential oil to the surface of the water in your diffuser. Or onto the pad in fan-driven vaporisers. Replenish as needed. May be combined in a blend with other essential oils up to the maximum amount of drops. Blends well with most other essential oils.


Aromatherapy Inhaler

Aromatherapy inhalers are perfect for personal use and very convenient when on the go. In an empty nasal inhaler (available online) add between 2-4 drops of White Cypress Leaf essential oil onto the pad within the inhaler. 

Use whenever a boost of energy is required, by gently breathing in from the nasal inhaler.

White Cypress Leaf essential oil safety; 

For use in aromatherapy White Cypress Leaf essential oil Callitris glaucophylla is; 

Non-toxic. Non-irritant, non-sensitising. 

Dermal application should be between a 1% - 2.5% dilution, depending on the user.


Safety summary Hazards: None known. Cautions: Low blood pressure.

Tisserand, Robert; Young, Rodney. Essential Oil Safety . Elsevier Health Sciences. Kindle Edition.



Do not use this essential oil in pregnancy or when breastfeeding/lactating. 


General Safety:

Please consult your healthcare professional before using essential oils if you are taking medication or have pre-existing medical conditions or during pregnancy or when breastfeeding/lactating.

Essential oils should always be diluted to the appropriate dilution ratio before use on the skin. 

Avoid contact with sensitive areas such as the eyes.

Keep out of the reach of children and away from animals and open flames. Highly flammable.