Petitgrain Essential Oil - Petitgrain Oil | Oleum Botanica
Petitgrain Essential Oil - Petitgrain Oil | Oleum Botanica
Petitgrain Essential Oil - Petitgrain Oil | Oleum Botanica

Petitgrain Oil


Regular price $10.00
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Petitgrain is a similar essential oil to Neroli, but more refreshing and less sedating than Neroli. It works on a more superficial level, in somatic terms. 

Aurantium var. amara, is an evergreen tree reaching 10m in height, yields 3 distinct essential oils, from the flowers, (Orange Blossom or Orange flower), the fruit, and here, from the leaves and twigs.

The Bitter Orange tree originates from China, where the fruit is an important herbal in TCM. It is now widely cultivated in the Mediterranean. France is widely regarded as having superior product.

Petitgrain essential oil is aromatically a top note and blends well with the labiatae family, woods and florals. Boasts aromatic similarities with Neroli.

Collection Method/ Method of Extraction: Steam distillation

Odour having a - somewhat harsh, bitter-sweet, floral odour

Appearance: A yellow to brownish yellow liquid

Plant Part: The leaves and twiglets.

Country of origin: Paraguay, France

Botanical Name: Citrus aurantium L.

Nervous System

Thought of in Aromatherapy as a tonic for the nervous system and working energetically with the liver. It may assist with feelings of irritability, tension, mental overactivity and restlessness. Also can be included in sleep blends. 



Most suited to young and oily skin care, with it’s astrigent action. It’s deodorant properties may assist with excessive perspiration. 


Digestive System

Can be used supportively with the digestive system.

The following ways to use the essential oil should help you to get the most benefit from the oil. 


For use with the Nervous System


Using Petitgrain essential oil in a rollerball is a wonderful way to benefit from it’s calming and balancing aroma

In a 15ml empty rollerball bottle, combine Petitgrain essential oil with 10ml of suitable carrier oil. Between 1 drop max and 1 drop of another essential oil such as lavender .

Maximum of 2 drops if wanting to apply to the face, such as on the temples.

For bodily application up to 5 drops is appropriate.

Blends well with most other essential oils.


For use with the skin

Balance Skin Moisturiser

Using Petitgrain essential oil in your handmade moisturiser is a great way to apply the oil and may help to support the health of your skin. 

The dilution ratio will be 2-3% (12-15 drops in 25ml/gm of carrier or base moisturiser) for adults bodily application.

For elderly people, those with sensitive skin, or those with medical conditions a 1% dilution (5 drops) is needed.

Non-toxic. Non-irritant, non-sensitising in dilution. 

Please consult your healthcare professional before using essential oils if you are taking medication or have pre-existing medical conditions or during pregnancy.

Essential oils are not for internal use. Do not ingest. 

Essential oils should always be diluted to the appropriate dilution ratio before use on the skin. 

Avoid contact with sensitive areas such as the eyes.

Keep out of the reach of children and away from animals.

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