Lavender Essential Oil - Lavender Oil - Australian | Oleum Botanica
Lavender Essential Oil - Lavender Oil - Australian | Oleum Botanica
Lavender Essential Oil - Lavender Oil - Australian | Oleum Botanica

Lavender Oil - Australian


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Oleum Botanica’s Lavender essential oil is distilled from the highly aromatic shrub Lavandula angustifolia, belonging to the Lamiaceae (Labiatae) botanical family. Also known as True Lavender and L.officinalis. It grows up to 1 metre high, with its familiar pretty violet-blue flowers.

Native to the Mediterranean region Lavandula angustifolia, It is highly regarded as a very gentle and safe remedy and the oil has been used throughout history, including by the Romans, who introduced it throughout Europe. Its production has long been established in the Provence region of France as well as in many other countries including Australia. The chemical constituents vary according to the climate, altitude and soil type of where it is grown.

Other varieties of Lavandula include Spike Lavender Lavandin And Lavender Stoechas. However, these other varieties come with very different safety considerations and usage guidelines and must not be confused with Lavandula angustifolia.

Aromatically Lavender essential oil is classed as a middle note, with a strong, floral, herbal, fresh aroma, with a camphoraceous undertone. Blending well with just about every other oil, being such a versatile all-around essential oil.

Collection Method/ Method of Extraction: Distillation

Odour: Floral, Lavender herbal, sweet.

Appearance: A colourless to pale yellow clear liquid

Plant Part: Flowers. Leaves and lateral branches.

Country of origin: Australia

Botanical Name: Lavandula angustifolia

Lavender essential oil Lavandula angustifolia can prove beneficial for virtually all the systems of the body and as such is possibly the most versatile of all essential oils. Probably why it is so well known and so often used. 


Nervous System

The soothing nature of Lavender essential oil is synonymous with sleep, relaxation and general wellbeing. It features in most sleep and relaxation remedies for good reason. Thought to be balancing, regulating and tonifying to the nervous system. Relaxing and revitalising at the same time. Can be called upon to use when dealing with Insomnia. May help increase wellbeing and the management of anxiety, stress and tension. 



It is regarded as suitable for all skin types. May assist with soothing, calming and balancing most skin presentations such as mild burns, inflammations, wounds and other skin conditions. Along with Tea tree is often thought to be a skin first aid oil. Used historically for this purpose.


Musculoskeletal System 

May assist with relief from musculoskeletal aches, pains, stiffness, sprains and strains. Helping to ease tired and overused muscles and can assist with helping to unwind after a day of strenuous activity.


Immune System

The immune system is thought to benefit from using Lavender essential oil as it could offer support in compromised immunity and chronic fatigue as well as infections in general, especially of the skin, ENT and respiratory system.

The following ways to use the essential oil should help you to get the most benefit from this essential oil. 


For use with the Nervous System

Sleep Tight Pillow Mist

You will need;

  • Your chosen essential oils including Lavender essential oil.
  • An empty dark glass spray bottle to hold 50 ml blend and a little extra for the essential oils. 
  • 50 ml distilled or spring water
  • Less than 1tsp grain alcohol (this is to preserve and dilute the mixture)


  • 4-5 drops of essential oils per 50ml of water. 


  1. Add the alcohol into the glass bottle
  2. Then add the essential oils and shake to mix.
  3. Put the lid back on and allow this mixture to sit for at least 1 hour 
  4. Finally, add the water and shake well.
  5. Always shake again before each use.


  • Best stored in glass, not plastic. A dark glass bottle to preserve and keep out of direct sunlight. Always test an inconspicuous area of the pillow to check usage is suitable on this material. 


Aromatherapy Sleepytime Rollerball

In a 15ml empty rollerball bottle, combine Lavender essential oil with 10ml of suitable carrier oil. Between 2-5 drops depending on the site of application.

Maximum of 2 drops if wanting to apply to the face, such as on the temples. For bodily application up to 5 drops is appropriate.

Blends well with most other essential oils.


For use with the skin

Nurturing Skin Moisturiser

Using Lavender essential oil in your handmade moisturiser is a great way to apply the oil and may help to support the health of your skin. 



Quantities are sufficient to make 50 g/1.3/4oz.

For adults bodily application. Dermal application should be between a 1% - 2.5% dilution (between 10 - 25 drops per 50 gram carrier/ base), depending on the user.

For facial use, elderly people, those with sensitive skin, or those with medical conditions a 1% dilution (10 drops) is needed.

Please see safety information below for further advice regarding dermal use. 


  • Use of a hob
  • A suitable sterilised jar, preferably dark glass 
  • Bain Marie (bowl over a saucepan)
  • 1 tsp carrier oil of choice (suggested Rosehip and Argan)
  • 1 tsp cocoa butter
  • 1/2 tsp beeswax
  • 2 tbsp - Spring/Mineral water
  • 1/2 tsp - glycerin
  • 1/2 tbsp-Emulsifying wax
  • Essential oils from your chosen blend


  1. On your hob, fill a saucepan with water and set up a Bain Marie (bowl over a saucepan). Ensure water doesn’t touch the bottom of the bowl.
  2. Heat the water until it is simmering.
  3. Next add the carrier oils, cocoa butter and beeswax to the bowl over the simmering water until melted. Remove from heat once melted.

In a separate saucepan;

  1. Warm the spring water to 80 degrees/175 degrees Fahrenheit, then dissolve the emulsifying wax & glycerin into it until the wax is completely melted. 
  2. Take the oily mixture off the heat. Slowly add the hot oil mixture to the hot water mixture. With a handheld whisk or stick blender blend continuously until smooth.
  3. Once the mixture is smooth and lump-free add your choice of essential oils.
  4. Pour into a sterilised jar and leave to cool for an hour.
  5. Once cool either begin to use or apply the lid


  • Store in the fridge. Keeps for up to 6 weeks.
  • Any change in appearance, smell on texture, discontinue use.


For use with the musculoskeletal System

Ease Massage Oil

Blend Lavender essential oil with any other oils of your choice Into 30ml of carrier oil. 

For adults bodily application. Dermal application should be between a 1% - 2.5% dilution (between 6 - 15 drops per 30ml carrier/ base), depending on the user.

For facial use, elderly people, those with sensitive skin, or those with medical conditions a 1% dilution (6 drops) is needed.

Please see safety information below for further advice regarding dermal use. 


For use with the Immune system

Diffuser Method

Diffusing Lavender essential oil into your environment can be particularly beneficial when there is sickness in the home. It may also support depleted energy levels as a result of illness.

Add between 3-8 drops (depending on room size) of Lavender essential oil to the surface of the water in your diffuser. Or onto the pad in fan-driven vaporisers. Replenish as needed. May be combined in a blend with other essential oils up to the maximum amount of drops. Blends well with most other essential oils.

Lavender essential oil safety; 

For use in aromatherapy Lavender essential oil is; 

Non-toxic. Non-irritant, non-sensitising. 

Dermal application should be between a 1% - 2.5% dilution, depending on the user.




General Safety:

Please consult your healthcare professional before using essential oils if you are taking medication or have pre-existing medical conditions or during pregnancy or when breastfeeding/ lactating.

Essential oils should always be diluted to the appropriate dilution ratio before use on the skin. 

Avoid contact with sensitive areas such as the eyes.

Keep out of the reach of children and away from animals and open flames. Highly flammable.