Geranium Essential Oil Organic - Geranium Oil | Oleum Botanica
Geranium Essential Oil Organic - Geranium Oil | Oleum Botanica
Geranium Essential Oil Organic - Geranium Oil | Oleum Botanica

Geranium Oil (Egyptian)


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The Geranium plant is native to South Africa and in the 17th century, it was introduced to Europe. The Countries now producing the majority of Geranium essential oil are China, Egypt and Reunion (Bourbon), which are distinguished by the prefix of the country of origin.

Pelargonium graveolens is the main variety used to produce essential oil. It is a perennial aromatic plant growing up to 1m in height with pink flowers and hairy, serrated leaves.

Geranium essential oil with its strong floral aroma is in fact steam-distilled from the leaves and branches of the plants.

Aromatically Geranium essential oil is classed as a middle note with a strong floral, rosy, sweet, green aroma with fruity/ minty notes. It blends well with other florals, citrus, woods, spices and herbs.

Collection Method/Method of Extraction: Steam distillation.

Odour: Characteristic odour resembling rose and geraniol.

Appearance: A light yellow to deep yellow liquid.

Plant Part: Whole aerial part of the fresh flowering plant.

Country of origin: Egypt

Botanical Name: Pelargonium graveolens

Geranium essential oil is thought to offer harmony, balance and homeostasis to all systems of the body. 


Nervous System

Geranium could easily be regarded as the essential oil of harmony. Thought to have a balancing effect on the mind, body and emotions. Often called upon to assist with emotional imbalances, it may help bring about a sense of equilibrium both energetically and physically.

May assist with balancing the mind and emotions by promoting an uplifting and calming effect on the nervous system.


Endocrine And Reproductive system

Regarded as a great support with hormonal fluctuations and imbalances.



Could help to calm and regulate hormonal fluctuations of the skin. Indicated as a sebum balancer for use with oily or dry skin. It’s cooling and moistening nature may prove helpful where heat and dryness are present, such as when experiencing hot flushes.


Lymphatic System

Long regarded as a tonic to the lymphatic system and may assist with lymphatic flow, sluggish lymphatics and congestion.

There are many ways to use and benefit from Geranium essential oil.


For use with the Nervous System

Diffuser Method

When diffused into the air it imparts a balancing and pleasing floral aroma..

Add between 3-8 drops (depending on room size) of Geranium essential oil to the surface of the water in your diffuser. Or onto the pad in fan-driven vaporisers. Replenish as needed. May be combined in a blend with other essential oils up to the total maximum amount of drops. Usually between 3-4 essential oils make for a balanced blend, with a base, middle and top aromatic note.


Bath Use

Swirl into a relaxing warm bath as part of a luxurious bath oil blend. 

May create mood enhancement, relaxation. Essential oils used in the bath could add a boost to your wellbeing routine.

2-5 drops of essential oils diluted in 10ml of carrier oil (just be aware that this can make the bath slippery, care should be taken when entering or getting out of the bath and clean bath after use).

TIP: Essential oil suppliers also sell unfragranced natural bath foamers and special base bath oils, which will not make the bath slippery. May be combined in a blend with other essential oils up to the Maximum amount of drops.



Soothing Tummy Oil

Geranium works so well as part of a soothing tummy massage oil blend.

Blend Geranium essential oil and any other oils of your choice Into 25ml of carrier oil.

The dilution ratio will be 2-3% (12-15 drops) in 25ml of carrier oil for adults bodily application.

For elderly people, those with sensitive skin, or those with medical conditions a 1% dilution (5 drops) is needed.


For use with the skin

Balance Skin Moisturiser

Use Geranium essential oil in your own handmade balancing body moisturiser or oil as it may help to support the health of your skin.

The dilution ratio will be 2-3% (12-15 drops in 25ml/gm of carrier or base moisturiser) for adults bodily application.

For elderly people, those with sensitive skin, or those with medical conditions a 1% dilution (5 drops) is needed.


For use with the Lymphatic System

Flow Body Oil

The lymphatic system may benefit from applying a body oil blend including Geranium essential oil. This is best applied after body brushing and could help support a healthy lymphatic system.

Blend Geranium essential oil with any other oils of your choice Into 25ml of carrier oil.

The dilution ratio will be 2-3% (12-15 drops) in 25ml of carrier oil for adults bodily application.

For elderly people, those with sensitive skin, or those with medical conditions a 1% dilution (5 drops) is needed.

For use in aromatherapy. Geranium essential oil is non-toxic, non-irritant in dilution and generally non-sensitising (cases of contact dermatitis have been reported in some hypersensitive individuals). 

Please consult your healthcare professional before using essential oils if you are taking medication or have pre-existing medical conditions or during pregnancy.

Essential oils are not for internal use. Do not ingest. 

Essential oils should always be diluted to the appropriate dilution ratio before use on the skin. 

Avoid contact with sensitive areas such as the eyes.

Keep out of the reach of children and away from animals.