Eucalyptus Essential Oil - Eucalyptus Blue Mallee | Oleum Botanica
Eucalyptus Essential Oil - Eucalyptus Blue Mallee | Oleum Botanica
Eucalyptus Essential Oil - Eucalyptus Blue Mallee | Oleum Botanica

Eucalyptus Blue Mallee - Australian


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Oleum Botanica’s Eucalyptus Blue Mallee essential oil is distilled from the evergreen tree or large shrub Eucalyptus polybractea also known as blue mallee, belonging to the Myrtaceae botanical family. It grows between 5-8m high.

Native to Australia, Eucalyptus polybractea has been used throughout history as a medicinal herb. The leaves and oil as a traditional remedy in Australian households, it is one of the Cineol rich Eucalypts, used especially for respiratory ailments and skin problems. It was introduced to Europe in the nineteenth century and used for similar properties. Also cultivated for essential oil production in Australia, North Africa, Spain, California, India and China. There are in fact hundreds of different types of Eucalyptus, most of which produce essential oil.

Historically essential oils have been used by all major civilisations, throughout the ages. With the ancient Egyptians being regarded as the pioneers of aromatherapy, other later civilisations learning from and developing their own practices. Eucalyptus Blue mallee essential oils use dates back thousands of years to the Indigenous Peoples of Australia.

Aromatically Eucalyptus Blue Mallee essential oil is classed as a top note, with a medicinal-camphoraceous aroma, faint-sweet woody undertone. Eucalyptus Blue Mallee blends well with wood, citrus, pungent spices essential oils.

Collection Method/ Method of Extraction: Steam distilled (water)

Odour: Long lasting fragrance with camphoraceous notes.

Appearance: Pale yellow liquid

Plant Part: Leaves and lateral branches.

Country of origin: Australia

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus polybractea

Respiratory And Immune Systems

Eucalyptus Blue mallee essential oil has a clearing and expansive nature and is well known and regarded as an oil with a great affinity for the respiratory system. You may like to use it during cold and flu season as it could assist with immunity and respiratory health. It is thought to have antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral properties according to many sources. It may also be beneficial when used as a decongestant to help clear blocked sinuses and a blocked nose.


Musculoskeletal System 

When applied topically, it could assist with stiff, achy muscles and joints, made worse by cold, damp weather. 



May help in the management of many kinds of infections, including those that are slow to heal. Could also be of benefit when using for mild burns, blisters, cuts and insect bites. Also disliked by insects and is often used to deter them. 

The following ways to use the essential oil should help you to get the most benefit from the oil. 


For use with the Respiratory and Immune Systems

Aromatherapy Steam Inhalation Use

Steam inhalations can be a great support for our immunity and when dealing with mild respiratory conditions.


Fill a Pyrex bowl 1/4 full with water just off the boil. Drop between 4-8 drops of Eucalyptus Blue Mallee essential oil onto the surface of the water. Remove any contact lenses and spectacles. Lean over the bowl as comfortable and cover your head with a towel. Keeping eyes closed. Inhale for 5-10 minutes or as feels comfortable for you. Can be repeated as needed up to 8 times a day. 

Another, perhaps more convenient method of administration is using a purpose-made inhaler cup, easily found online or in your local pharmacy. Lower the dose to up to 2 drops with this method.

Be careful not to burn yourself with the hot water and keep away from children and in a safe location. Any irritation stop immediately. Discard solution after use. 

Not suitable for asthmatics or with children.


Aromatherapy Inhaler

Aromatherapy inhalers are perfect for personal use and very convenient when on the go. Use whenever a boost of energy is required, by gently breathing in from the nasal inhaler. 

In an empty nasal inhaler (available online) add between 2-4 drops of Eucalyptus Blue Mallee essential oil onto the pad within the inhaler. 


Not suitable for asthmatics or with children.

For use with the skin

Defence Skin Emulsion

Using Eucalyptus Blue Mallee essential oil in your handmade skin emulsion is a great way to apply the essential oil with a protective method of administration. Emulsions can act as a protective barrier and a wonderful medium in which to apply essential oils to skin conditions. Emulsions come in different forms such as creams and lotions. The consistency varies according to the desired outcome.


You will need;

  • 10g Emulsifying wax
  • 30ml suitable carrier oil
  • 5ml Vegetable glycerin
  • 90ml purified water
  • 2ml Citrus seed extract. 

Melt the wax in a bain-marie and stir in the vegetable oil. Bring the water and the glycerin to the same temperature in a separate bowl. Remove both bowls from the heat and slowly stir the water phase into the oil phase. Continue beating the mixture until it cools. Add the citrus seed extract and then essential oils of your choice including Eucalyptus Blue mallee essential oil. Stir until completely mixed. Store in a dark glass jar.

For adults bodily application. Dermal application should be between a 1% - 2.5% dilution (between 6 - 15 drops per 30ml carrier/ base), depending on the user.

For elderly people, those with sensitive skin, or those with medical conditions a 1% dilution (6 drops) is needed.

Please see safety information below for further advice regarding dermal use. 


For use with the musculoskeletal system

Body Massage Oil

The musculoskeletal system may benefit from applying a body oil blend including Eucalyptus Blue mallee essential oil. Especially before and after sport or in cold, damp weather conditions. 

Blend Eucalyptus Blue Mallee essential oil with any other oils of your choice Into 30ml of carrier oil. 

For adults bodily application. Dermal application should be between a 1% - 2.5% dilution (between 6 - 15 drops per 30ml carrier/ base), depending on the user.

For elderly people, those with sensitive skin, or those with medical conditions a 1% dilution (6 drops) is needed.


Please see safety information below for further advice regarding dermal use.

Eucalyptus Blue mallee essential oil safety; 


For use in aromatherapy Eucalyptus Blue mallee essential oil is;

Non-toxic externally, toxic internally. 

Dermal application should be between a 1% - 2.5% dilution (between 6 - 15 drops per 30ml carrier/ base), depending on the user.

Essential oils high in 1,8-cineole can cause CNS and breathing problems in young children. Contraindications: Do not apply to or near the face of infants or children under ten years of age. 


Non-irritant, non-sensitising, however, E.radiata is a better choice for inhalation in asthmatics and with children. 

May antidote some homoeopathic remedies.





General Safety;

Please consult your healthcare professional before using essential oils if you are taking medication or have pre-existing medical conditions or during pregnancy or when breastfeeding/lactating.

Essential oils should always be diluted to the appropriate dilution ratio before use on the skin. 

Avoid contact with sensitive areas such as the eyes.

Keep out of the reach of children and away from animals and open flames. Highly flammable.