What's an essential oil 'blend'?

What's an essential oil 'blend'?

Did you know that Oleum Botanica offers a fantastic range of essential oil blends in addition to our extensive range of single oils? You may be wondering what the purpose of pre-blends is and how they could benefit you? 

Essential oil blends are unique in that they are expertly blended with a specific function in mind. An example is a blend to energise. The particular essential oils will all be tailored towards this specific outcome.

So if you are searching for an essential oil to support you in a specific area of your life, we have a range of blends created to address different aspects of wellbeing.

Our busy lives mean that sometimes a pre-blend is just what is needed, to reach for in a hurry. Easy to use, without any time spent creating your own blend and convenient for use whilst travelling. We believe that aromatherapy and essential oils should be accessible to all, no matter what your particular circumstances are. Our pre-blend range is perfect for those with limited time.

Each of our blends is expertly crafted with 100% pure essential oils. We also have a Blend Your Own Collection, perfect for those with more spare time and feeling creative. Who want to tailor their blends specifically to them. 

Essential oils are known to work synergistically in a blend of around 3-6 essential oils. Pre-blends like the ones we offer are a very easy and convenient way if you are new to essential oils and blending them. 

Our blends should still be used in the same way as you would a single essential oil. They still require diluting and are not pre-diluted in a carrier oil. This allows for them to be used in diffusers as well as being diluted in your own choice of carrier product. Each bottle lists the essential oils used and more detailed information on each blend is available on our product pages.

Alive Blend

This is the perfect blend to reach for when you are feeling worn down and at a low ebb. Come alive with this exhilarating blend of powerful essential oils. Feel your senses awakened as you inhale the fresh aromas of Alive blend.

Hope Blend 

Find your positive future with a little support from Oleum Botanica’s uplifting Hope Blend. Fill your mind and environment with hope and optimism. Start believing you can do it!

Energy Blend 

Energy Blend is packed full of lively citrus essential oils, to raise your energy levels in an instant. The vibrant aromas of the Energy Blend will quickly fill the air and pick you up. Giving you the boost you need to complete that to-do list.

Joy Blend 

Find your spark of joy as you breathe in the heady aromas of Joy Blend. EnJOY the moment and look forward to the future...

Breath Blend 

Catch your breath, breath in deeply as you enjoy the fresh, expansive aromas of breath blend. 

Love Blend

This lovely blend of luxurious essential oils can nurture and encourage the beautiful emotions of love. Be it if you are working on increasing self-love, or being more open to receiving love from others. The precious and luxurious essential oils in Love Blend may help to connect to this part of yourself.

Always check the safety information on the bottle and product pages as well as our safety page on our website for more detailed information on essential oils and their usage. 

Learn more about the benefits of essential oils here

Want to find out more about our essential oils. Get in touch by messaging us via live chat, on our social media or you can contact us here.

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