How to Find The Right Essential Oil For You

How to Find The Right Essential Oil For You

With dozens of essential oils out there, finding your perfect match can take a little bit of homework!

No need to worry, though - we are here to help. 

So, before you even start browsing, you will want you to think about what you want to get out of your oils. 

Keep on reading to learn more. 

Your Mood

Relaxation: Whenever you’re in the mood to relax, you can use essential oils such as our Clary Sage Oil, Sweet Orange Oil, or Vetiver Oil

These calming scents may be able to ease any tension and help ground you. 

Plus, they smell amazing! 

Energized: Our Energy Oil Blend, Wintergreen Oil, and Spearmint Oil are uplifting aromas that may be able to help you stay energized and focused!  

Balanced: You can find harmony and balance by using essential oils like Bergamot Oil, Cedarwood Texas Oil, and Geranium Oil

The Main Benefits

Relieving Sore Muscles

If your muscles are feeling stiff or sore, essential oils such as Eucalyptus Oil or Rosemary Oil may help relieve some of the tension

They also may be able to bring some much-needed relief by soothing aches and pains.

Improving The Skin

Look after your skin with Lemon Oil and Lavender Oil. If you have inflammation, wounds, or other skin conditions, these versatile oils may be able to help calm and soothe the skin. 

Final Thoughts

Have any questions or want to find out more about our essential oils? Our team is here to help! Get in touch by messaging us via live chat, on our social media or you can contact us here.

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