How Essential Oils Can Stimulate The Mind, Body And Soul

How Essential Oils Can Stimulate The Mind, Body And Soul

Essential oils are more powerful than you may think - since they can be used in so many ways. 

Not only do they have pleasant aromas and look beautiful displayed - they can also stimulate the mind, body and soul. 

Wondering how that’s possible? Keep on reading

The Mind

Going into each day with a positive mindset is so powerful. 

The very first thing we do every morning can have a huge impact on the rest of our day. 

Doing a relaxing activity such as meditating, practicing positive affirmations, or defusing an essential oil can get us in the right headspace to have an amazing day ahead! 

The Body

Smelling essential oils can help stimulate the parts of our brain and body that are connected to smell.

Fun Fact: Certain smells have the power to help bring back memories.

So, if a certain scent reminds you of a positive memory, it would be an ideal essential oil to diffuse if you’re having a rocky day. 

Essential oils can also be used externally and applied directly to the skin. 

We personally love adding a few drops to our baths. Doing so totally transforms the overall experience. 

Practicing self-care is not selfish. In fact, it is the complete opposite. You deserve to participate in relaxing activities that bring you joy on a daily basis.

The Soul

Essential oils are made with pure, plant-based ingredients that may have therapeutic properties. 

Aromatherapy allows us to heal from the inside out. 

We can nourish our souls and feel more balanced by incorporating essential oils into our routine. 

Some Recommendations

Peppermint Oil: We can boost our energy with this refreshing oil. Peppermint is a fresh and minty aroma with a sweet undertone. 

Lemon Oil: This oil is known for its cleansing properties. It has a bright, fresh citrus aroma that is aromatically versatile.

Eucalyptus Oil: This is powerful and invigorating aroma includes sweet and woody undertones. Eucalyptus has a clearing and expansive nature. 

Have any questions or want to find out more about our essential oils? Our team is here to help! Get in touch by messaging us via live chat, on our social media or you can contact us here.

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