Have Trouble Falling And Staying Asleep? Try Essential Oils

Have Trouble Falling And Staying Asleep? Try Essential Oils

A good night’s sleep is not always easy to come by. If you have trouble falling and/or staying asleep, essential oils will be your new best friend. 

Soothing essential oils can bring you into a state of calm which in turn can help you fall into a peaceful sleep. Get ready - here’s how you can drift off to dreamland. 

Select An Aroma

There are a variety of essential oils and aromas that can help you relax and get in a calm state of mind before bed. 

Lavender oils are one of the best remedies when it comes to sleep. Lavender may even help with insomnia. 

Ylang Ylang oils are powerful and have a positive effect on the body.  You can prepare yourself for sleep with this calming oil. 

Bergamont oils may help with tension, irritability, and stress. They are a useful essential oil for mood swings and may improve sleep by clearing the mind. 

Select A Method 

There are many ways you can use your essential oils. It all comes down to personal preference and your mood. 

Pillow mists are a fun way to enhance your nighttime routine. All you need is an essential oil of your choice, water, grain alcohol and a dark glass spray bottle. Then, spray your favorite scent onto your pillow and let the aromatherapy kick in. 

Diffusers are a classic way to use essential oils. Simply add 2-3 drops into your diffuser, and the scent will be released. You can tuck yourself into bed and let the relaxation begin.

Skin moisturizers are another method that can calm you down before bed. All you have to do is apply a few drops of your essential oil to your favorite moisturizer. It’s fast, easy and relaxing. 

“Sleep is an investment in the energy you need to be effective tomorrow.” - Tom Roth 

Want to find out more about our essential oils. Get in touch by messaging us via live chat, on our social media or you can contact us here.

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