Fun Facts About Essential Oils

Fun Facts About Essential Oils

Believe it or not, there are so many fun facts out there about essential oils. 

Wondering what those are? Keep on reading. 

Essentials Oils Are Not Oils 

Technically essential oils are not considered oils. This is due to the fact they don’t contain any fatty acids. 

A huge factor relies on what plant it comes from. 

So the “essential” part of the name refers to the essence of the plant it gets its scent or oil from. 

More Plants Go Into An Essential Oil Than You’d Think

Some essential oils take a surprising amount of plants just for one bottle.

Since essential oils are obtained from leaves, stems, flowers, bark and other elements it can require plenty of plants. 

For example, lavender oils may require over 150 pounds of lavender flowers and peppermint oils may require 250 pounds of peppermint leaves. 

It’s no wonder that essential oils carry a strong and powerful scent with just a couple of drops!

Essential Oils Have A Good Shelf Life

Depending on the essential oil, it can usually last  for quite a long time. 

Some essential oils may last for years. It is recommended to keep your essential oils in a cool dry place such as a kitchen or medicine cabinet to extend the shelf life. 

Essential Oils Go Back To 3500 BC

Did you know that back in 3500 BC Egyptians used aromatherapy and herbs for a number of purposes? Essential oils were even used as medicine! 

Nowadays we have different uses for these oils but a piece of history still remains.

Which fun fact was your favorite? Let us know in the comments. 

Want to find out more about our essential oils. Get in touch by messaging us via live chat, on our social media or you can contact us here.

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