Daily Self-Care Activities To Boost Your Mood

Daily Self-Care Activities To Boost Your Mood

Engaging in self-care activities on a regular basis can help us relax and truly prioritize our own needs. There is no right or wrong way to practice self-care. As long as the activity relaxes you that’s all that matters. 

Here are a few of our favorite activities that can help inspire you. 

Spring Cleaning 

Spring Cleaning can certainly be practiced 365 days a year.

Our spaces can significantly impact our mood and productivity, especially when it is clear of clutter. 

Setting aside a few minutes a day to clean your desk before work can amp up your mood and increase your overall focus.

Essential oils may also be used in the cleaning process. They are an aromatic way to freshen up our homes and may be an alternative to cleaning formulas. We love and use Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, or Lemon Oil.

Read Ten Pages Of a Book Each Day

Indulging in a good book is an entertaining way to relax and can help uplift our moods! It can be exciting to immerse ourselves in the stories we love, even if we read only a few pages each day. 

To enhance your reading experience, you can incorporate essential oils like Spearmint Oil, Rosemary Oil, and Sweet Orange Oil

Bring The Outside In

Taking care of plants can also be a form of self-care. Plants are a natural mood booster since they purify the air and release oxygen into our space.

It can feel rewarding to take care of a living thing. Essential oils can also be used in plant care. We love using Peppermint Oil, Lavender Oil, and Citronella Oil

Have any questions or want to find out more about our essential oils? Our team is here to help! Get in touch by messaging us via live chat, on our social media or you can contact us here.

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