Aromatherapy Rollerballs with Blend Ideas

Aromatherapy Rollerballs with Blend Ideas

Aromatherapy Rollerballs

Aromatherapy roller balls are one of the most versatile ways to use essential oils. They

are conveniently pocket size, so perfect for using when out and about. Once blended

you are ready to roll for multiple applications, suited for when time is short and life is

hectic. A little aromatherapy calm amidst the busiest of times.

The following recipes will guide you step by step through making your very own

bespoke aromatherapy rollerball. These recipes may be followed exactly, alternatively,

why not have fun creating your own unique blends to suit your individual needs. Just be

sure to follow the dilution ratios as appropriate to your circumstances.



● An empty dark glass 10 ml roller bottle.

● 10 ml carrier oil of your choice. I recommend choosing one with a more neutral

aroma, Your chosen essential oils

● So as not to alter the overall aroma of the blend. Grapeseed and sunflower

carrier oil have a neutral scent with the added benefit of Sunflower being suitable for nut allergy sufferers.


● Fill the empty roller bottle with 10 ml of your chosen carrier oil, then add your

blend of essential oils into the bottle. Close with the roller bottle lid and shake.


1-5% dilution for psychological or pain-relieving actions into 10 ml of carrier oil.

● 1% dilution for use on the face, with children 2-5 years old or the elderly = 2


N.B. As only two drops of essential oils don’t leave much variety in a blend, a trick is to make up a slightly bigger batch such as 25 ml carrier oil and this then allows up to 5 drops of essential oils into the 10 ml carrier oil.

This leaves you with enough for two rollerballs, one for different blends.

● 2.5% dilution for adult bodily application with no medical conditions or sensitive skin = 5 drops

● Up to 5% dilution localised usage only for pain relief = 10 drops

Aromatherapy Roller Blend suggestions

The following blend suggestions follow the 2.5% dilution. Adjust the drops up or down as needed for the 1% or 5% dilutions.

1. Energising
3 drops Lime
1 drop Spearmint
1 drop Ginger

2. Focus
1 drop Peppermint
3 drops Rosemary
1 drop Frankincense

3. Relaxing
2 drops Mandarin
2 drops Lavender
1 drop Frankincense

4. Sleep
2 drops Sweet Orange
2 drops Lavender
1 drop Vetiver

5. Pain
2 drops Clove
2 drops Peppermint
1 drop Wintergreen
(For use on a small localised area. Not suitable for facial use or on sensitive skin)

6. Yoga mindset
2 drops Frankincense
3 drops Mandarin


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